Future Features for CSX
Here's a list of features that may appear in some future version of CSX. If you have anything that you'd like to add to the list, send me an email.
Also, please check the Extensions.txt file that comes with the CSX package.
- Have the ability to split a large processing job (set by a checkbox) into blocks of pages. When one block is done, PS is restarted and processing begins on the next block. (Fault Tolerance)
- Have the ability to restart a large batch run after a PS crash. Related to the previous item. (Fault Tolerance)
- Improved CS4 integration. On going.
- A Count button used to count the number of images and pages that would be processed with the current settings.
- Auto-template generation for things like page-numbers, etc.. which normally require a template to function.
- Specify resample mode for resize to thumbnail. Currently uses system defaults.
- A 'One Page Only' that would force all of the images onto one page.
- More flexibility in output sheet names (e.g. metadata).
- Allow for the specification of an arbitrary number of output formats, sizes, qulities, directories,... This would let you save to 72ppi and 300ppi jpeg files in the same pass.
- Separate out site configuration options which are those that are not settable in the UI, such as the ones needed for the HiPerf extension.
Updated 2008-10-28